10 Things CEOs Need to Know About Design
This deck was presented by JESS3 co-founder, president and COO Leslie Bradshaw (that’s me!) at the Future M / Startup Marketing Bootcamp on October 8, 2010 at The Microsoft New England Research & Development Center.
The focus of the presentation was giving CEOs and other decision makers insights from the world class JESS3 team regarding design best practices.
Since posting the deck on SlideShare, a few great reactions that have surfaced include:
- Rebecca at Passionately Alive (design as a guilty pleasure, now laid bare, we are glad to help fuel the passion)
- Guy Kawasaki at HolyKaw! (started a Twitter storm on Saturday, which has driven thousands of views and hundreds of tweets from this post alone)
- Hubspot’s Mike Volpe (sparked some great, additional thinking from our end — check out the comments)
We’ve also made the front page of SlideShare through organic love today. A huge thanks to the community for sharing it around on a weekend.
Written by: Leslie Bradshaw | President & COO, JESS3
Tags: dave morin, fmbootcamp, futurem, graphic design, guy kawasaki, guykawasaki, jason putorti, leslie post, lesliebradshaw
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