Originally posted to Forbes. If I were to ask you, what are the top 5 most recognizable brands in the world today, you might think of companies like McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Apple, and Google. But there also some brands out there that aren’t selling anything, some you’d recognize on sight — even if you don’t know quite […]
Tag: forbes
Engagement Ain’t Nothin’ But A Number: Brian Solis on Connected Customers
Brian Solis has earned the title of social media guru because he can impart his insight into social media and social marketing in thoughtful, articulate language free of the usual jargon and rhetoric.
Information Visualization: Cartography for the 21st Century
Manuel Lima’s website Visual Complexity is one of the places I go to see what’s new in the world of information visualization.
Perry Hewitt, One of the Few Female Chief Digital Officers? One of the Few, Period.
In recent interviews, we’ve talked about the lack of women in the technology world, but we haven’t yet touched on the need for more women in leadership roles in academia.
A Behind the Scenes Look at Visual.ly
As a life-long design and data visualization lover, infographics are one of my favorite pieces to create and to explore. It’s the mix of an incredible visual, snackable data and easily sharable content that is the beauty of an infographic. This is what makes Visual.ly, an infographic-sharing community, so great: it’s social data visualization at its best.
Skillshare: Non-Traditional Education 2.0
The concept behind Skillshare is simple: empower everyone to teach anything, anywhere. And sometimes it’s the simplest ideas that have the greatest long-term impact.
How Women Are Getting Left Out of the Venture Capital Game
A flurry of articles have been written on the “women and startups” problem. The same issues are brought up again and again, but one issue that hasn’t been given much attention and scrutiny is the significance of the fact that there are practically no female VC’s.
I Was A Poor Black Kid
Gene Marks’ Forbes piece “If I were A Poor Black Kid,” really rubs me the wrong way.
Join Forces with Entrepreneur, Screenwriter and Surfer Amy Senger to Change Wikipedia’s 10-to-90 Ratio
When you think about the need for more women occupying more power seats, what comes to mind? How about things like the boardroom, the C-suite, the Fortune 500 and the Forbes 400? What about places like Sand Hill Road, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, Capitol Hill and The White House? Well folks, add to your list: Wikipedia.
How Sassy Magazine Inspired a Future Female TechStar
Today, we take the issue of female-founded start-ups head on with Nestio’s CEO and Co-Founder, Caren Maio. On the heels of the much tweeted about and commented on article by Mark Suster (“Why Aren’t There More Female Entrepreneurs?”), Caren’s background and approach provide a window on the solution to the imbalance.