How Flickr Users Are Mad As Hell About The Yahoo ID Annoucement

We all knew this was coming. In an e-mail to users, Flickr said founding members, known as “old skool” users, would have to switch to Yahoo IDs by 15 March “simplify the sign in process.”

Many, including Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, have left negative comments on the company’s forum. “I like being Old Skool. Please reconsider!” he said.
Thomas Hawk is all over the issue on his Digital Connection blog and has also posted to digg, with “dug” votes rising fast (100+ since I started writing this):
“Flickr needs to reverse the asinine decisions made today to force people to merge their accounts with Yahoo and to place new limits on your contacts and tags. Here are some of the more interesting comments pulled over the past few hours from two flickr forums where they are taking a beating over this right now.People are pissed.”

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