Easter Eggs

An easter egg, as it relates to software, refers to a way of displaying a list of the software developers. Most major software products include an easter egg, but viewing it almost always involves performing a series of non-intuitive steps.

“[An Easter Egg in a webpage is] a secret message or screen buried in an application. Typically, easter eggs are used to display the credits for the development team or to display a humorous message. To see an easter egg, you need to know a special procedure or sequence of keystrokes.”
(definition from www.webopedia.com)

The easter egg can represent anything your fertile imagination can conceive of. Here are a few ideas.

* Amusing or provocative pictures.

* Off-the-wall philosophical comments.

* Games with certain answers uncovering a second easter egg.

* Fun musical interludes.

* Your own voice cracking jokes or imitating a celebrity.

An informational easter egg can be presented in a JavaScript alert box. Quotes, “this day in history…” info items, and jokes are all candidates for this type of easter egg.

Easter eggs are limited only by imagination and the technology available to hide and present them.

(from www.startupinternetmarketing.com/)

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