Tag: Internet


The so-called “death of Newsweek” seems like a major blow to the magazine industry, and perhaps the larger print media industry, but that’s like saying winter is a major blow to the convertible industry. We will always have journalism, and we will always have journalists, even if their stories don’t arrive in the mail or […]

The Late Majority Internet

Reports have come out this year that 78% of Americans are internet users and 51% of Americans over 12 years old are on Facebook. This means that we have finally reached a point where a solid majority of Americans are on the web. Everett Rogers theory of Diffusion of Innovation has a name for this […]

Google Goggles

That sounds like a Tongue Twister right? http://www.google.com/mobile/goggles/ Google Goggles is a visual search app for Android phones, which allows you to search the web by taking a picture. To find information about nearby businesses, just point your phone at a store. Goggles will show you the name of the business, using the camera’s GPS […]

European Internet Stats

Current European growth trends:* 9 hours per week spent on the web in 2008, up 27% from 2004 – more time than people spent reading print media, watching movies or playing video games * North South divide in Europe: Nordic countries have an internet penetration rate of 76% on average, compared to 45% in Southern […]