Tag: CES

CES 2011: Team JESS3 Dinners

Aside from the technology, the clients, the gambling and the smoke-filled hotel lobbies, JESS3 came to CES to be together. As a highly distributed company (22 full time team members and 150+ part time team members in dozens of countries all over the world), we took the opportunity to break pretzels and down spicy Thai […]

Paro Robot Seal Healing Pet

one of the interesting products I saw at CES this year was this Japanese therapy “toy”. The concept on paper isn’t breakthrough, but the execution of the movement and the overall experience with the product was great. The robot was 12 years in the making at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, where […]

CES 2010 – Social Circle

We created a site for CEA to collect and analyze what was being said on the social media channels about CES, social.cesweb.org/ we also arranged for an official Foursquare badge