Tag: viral


Light painting, also known as light drawing is a photographic technique in which exposures are made usually at night or in a darkened room by moving a light source or by moving the camera. reminds me of the sprint campaign and this is interesting

Reverse Graffiti Project

From Wikipedia: “Reverse graffiti also known as clean tagging, dust tagging or grime writing, is a method of creating graffiti on walls or other surfaces by removing dirt from a surface. It is usually done by removing dirt/dust with the fingertip(s) from windows or other dirty surfaces. Reverse graffiti on windows/glass can be highly visible […]

The Meth Minute Cartoon Series

This web series is really funny. Episode 21 of “The Meth Minute” cartoon series is an attempt at taking the children’s entertainment industry by storm with a slew of new kid-show ideas. As it turns out, our kid-show ideas are likely to confuse children, which makes them even more amusing to grown-ups! Featuring special guest-star […]

The McCain Show

The Los Angeles Times article looks both at how both campaigns and activists groups are using viral video to try to impact the 2008 Presidential election.