Tag: spain

JESS3 x The Nonick Conference

The Nonick 2011 Conference focusing on tech and mobile was held last weekend in Bilbao, Spain. It’s an emerging conference promoting the role of technology and new media in developing new areas of Spain’s economy. Nonick is hosted by EiTB, which is like the Basque version of NPR, providing multiple television and radio channels in the Basque and Spanish languages. Officially, as an international conference, Nonick is all in English, but with a very high percentage of attendees from Spain it’s also a good chance to practice your Spanish. I lived in Madrid about 9 years ago, and was excited to be able to carry messages of design for social media back across the Atlantic to share with a Spanish audience.

How Social Media is Changing Design

Leslie and I presented this at the NoNick conference in Bilbao Spain last week. Here is a link to a story the EITB did on the keynote we gave. photos from clarafraile and FARAONDEMETAL

Pan’s Labyrinth

Trailer and first impressions of Pan’s Labyrinth, a dark fairy tale for adults set in 1940’s Spain.