Tag: Nikki Galvan

A (Political) Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

National conventions, running mate selections and finger-pointing advertising will no doubt consume the media for the next few months. For the politically-wary, Tuesday, November 6 cannot come fast enough, but for political commentators and journalists alike, the circus show is just starting. We all bear witness to each President’s love/hate relationship with the media. Regardless of your party affiliation, we can all use a break from the campaigning every once in a while. With this in mind, I bring you, the funniest candid pictures of U.S. presidents…EVER.

Street Artist Profile: Maya Hayuk

Maya Hayuk electrified the red brick monotony of Downtown Oklahoma City in 2011 with her symmetric florescence of the Flaming Lips WOMB gallery. But her signature sits on exterior walls of cities far outside U.S. borders. Since 1999, she’s thrown her signature symmetric, nourishing colors on exterior walls in Sao Paulo, Barcelona, Chile, Brussels, Colonial Williamsburg, Baltimore and Mexico City.