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by Jesse Thomas


Braid Game that Will Change How Games are Made

The story plays off of the game play in a really unique way.

Braid trailer 1.2 from David Hellman on Vimeo.

It looks like super mario from a distance, but dont let that fool you. It has some inspiration from the Matrix bullet time as well. It’s almost psychedelic..

A great essay about the game here and here

“This is a tough one for me, Iroquois. Before I played it, Braid looked like a game targeted directly at me and my tastes: thematically ambitious, artistically rich; an homage to genre-defining games I love. As I’ve written here previously, I want to play games that explore emotions rarely found in video games, like sadness and longing. I’m eager for games that don’t fear ambiguity; games that offer open space for interpretation and rumination.

Braid is all these things. So why don’t I like it very much?

I admire the game Braid wants to be, but I see a fundamental disconnect between the game’s narrative ambitions and the mechanisms Braid relies on to deliver them. Essentially, it’s a platformer/puzzle game with story elements interspersed throughout, separating each of the worlds. In this way, it’s a fairly conventional structure, with what appears to be a purposefully thin story attached.”

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