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by Jesse Thomas


Namco’s Muscle March

this game design rocks! it makes me want to design some games. check out all the screenshots I collected

Tap-repeatedly.com says

Muscle March doesn’t have genius gameplay but where the game designers failed, the graphics designers shine. Not only that art direction is wonderful, the game is executed fantastically with a great sense of speed but also wonderful animation, timed perfectly for comedic effect.

And it sounds great too. The music is thumping and bleeping its way to insanity in perfect sync with the rest of the game. I won’t say that there are Katamari-level smash hits on offer here but Muscle March’s music is nonetheless catchy, crazy and infectious, just the way it should be. You will smile. You will feel good. Don’t doubt it for a second.

In the end, though, Muscle March is a curse inside of a blessing inside of a curse… inside of a blessing. It’s seductive, it’s joyful, it reaches the camp heights we have longed for since Cho Aniki but after the intoxicating first fifteen minutes it reveals that beneath the flashing surface and cheap thrills it hides nothing. Absolutely nothing. You can not hate it because it’s so handsome and silly and quick, but you can’t love it either because Namco never gave it any tools to make love with. Flamboyantly sexy but ultimately neutered, this is, some people will point out, a metaphor for Wii as a phenomenon too. And even while I wouldn’t agree with it, I have to say that in this particular case, after a truly smashing one night stand, perspectives of a long term relationship between me and Muscle March are very slim.” link

Muscle March, a WiiWare release by Namco Bandai


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