Tap to Retry
Tap to Retry is a Stop Motion animation project created by Neta Cohen as her graduation film from the Bezalel Academy of Art & Design in Jerusalem.
Neta’s film begins with small different segments of animation that feel more like a collection of short experiments than a cohesive narrative. As the film progresses you understand these seemingly random moments are a compilations of mistakes, fails, and painful coincidences.
There’s something special about papercraft, perhaps its the simplicity of creating tangible 3d characters out of a cheap piece of paper and a home printer. Her characters are simple, bold, and a little rough around the edges, juxtaposing the cute, the violent and the disgusting.
Her work has a playful, bold, crafty DIY sensibility. The use of stop motion is clever, simple, and easy enough anyone with a simple understanding of movement can create without advanced animation software. If you can take a photograph, and organize the range of movement you can create a stop motion piece with little more than a camera. Neta’s use of simple, public source sounds and 8-bit whistles and squeaks, artfully combined with bold paper characters, in choppy, crafty but fun animations flushes out her characters with life and complexity.
Neta was able to create a powerful, creative, iconic video that manages to stand toe to toe with high budget powerhouse animation reels, with little more than paper, free sound bites, a camera, and iMovie.
Tags: Lane Kinkade, motion animation, netacohen, taptoretry
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