People Are Using QR Codes. I Know, Right?

The conventional wisdom has been for some time that QR codes are a waste of time and money. Just for example, this gem that was passed around the JESS3 office to hearty guffaws: Well, things might be changing.

Many continue to argue that the only thing QR codes are good for is to communicate to the viewer that you and your brand or whatever you represent are savvy enough to use QR codes. And what does that tautology earn you? A big fat pat on the back from yourself, and maybe a short stint in one of these fine publications:


Believe it or not the joke may be losing steam. No – SRSLY!! TechCrunch reported on a recent survey by Accenture that showed that on-screen social media icons during commercials actually worked – prompting viewers to go online and follow brands even though they had to do so on a completely separate screen (up to 20% conversion for Facebook). Surprising.

But there was a second, and maybe even more surprising finding:

11% of viewers scanned a QR code while watching TV

Stunning. Really. In the grand scheme of things that is a pretty large convergence rate, even if they were doing so to retrieve discounts or coupons or other incentives.

I’m still not bought into the QR code, but I am willing to give it a second glance. And I will certainly be on the lookout for more figures like this as the smartphone revolution continues and people and apps grow more comfortable dealing with QR codes. And one day, just maybe, I might even recommend them as a solution to something.

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