How the 99% are getting Change for a Dollar


We have great faith in the power of data to reach people. In fact, we’ve based our entire agency around it. It can take a brand to soaring new heights when used correctly, or shape opinions on public policy. So we weren’t surprised at all to see it being used to highlight the efforts of the Occupy Wall St. movement.

Our fearless leaders have gotten in on the action in New York, and now some designers showcased by Fast Company want to encourage the other 99% to get in on it, too.

Occupy George is an idea created by two ad men (who would prefer to remain anonymous), that use stamps to fill a dollar bill with a graphical representation of wealth disparities among the  wealthiest 1% and everyone else in this country.

According to the article, the creators felt that using creative projects to serve the public good sometimes can help make up for spending their days as drones for corporate America.

While we wish we had the guts to deface federal property (not that we haven’t thought about it), we salute you, Occupy George. Your creativity inspires everyone to see the potential that comes with using powerful data in an elegant way.

Occupy On, America!



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