Redefining the Clock

We’re a snap-happy culture these days. We take more pictures than were taken in the entirety of the 1800s every two minutes. But with so many pictures being taken every day, it’s easy to lose the best ones in the crowd. And that sucks, especially when those pictures lost in the shuffle are of friends and family you don’t often see. A new clock created by monom and IMG SRC aims to help with that.

The concept is simple. While you’re taking pictures of folks you care about, add the cream of the crop to the clock’s cloud storage. You can share among multiple users and multiple clocks, no matter how far away. The clock’s built-in screen will display the pictures on the day they were taken – meaning that last year’s birthday shenanigans will show up on your birthday next year.

The clock is still a prototype, but we hope that monom and IMG SRC will start production soon!


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